Monday, January 02, 1984

Totally New Awesome Hangout!

Hey all!

Although this blog is officially owned/run by LShannon, actually it is us twin wild things, otherwise known as the Shaggies that are running this coolest hangout.

The original blog was taken down due to historical conflicts. In other words, The casino/club had to hide a few things. So here it is a whole new beginning. Rath has let us take over the moderation of the site, but only with the promise that we let Adhar watch over things. She promises to not spoil our fun.

So welcome to the spot on the web for werewolves, demons, vampires, selkies, fairies, and maybe even a few humans! Come on in. Pull up a beanbag. Plenty of food and drink and cheesy movies.

Mo and Romie (Moderators without moderation)


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